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Showing posts from April, 2021

Conclusion and Reference (Neural networks in the automotive sector)

  In conclusion, vehicles have all the necessities for driving except for a brain to be able to drive by itself and providing a vehicle with one might eradicate the need for a driver, however this seems to be a very difficult task, though the potential of driverless cars is increasing and at the horizon of becoming a reality with the implementation of more data gathering from current NNs and improved cameras and sensors.       Reference:   Cadence, 2021. Neural networks in the automotive world. [Blog] Cadence PCB solutions, Available at: <> [Accessed 24 April 2021]. Hernandez, C. (2017) ‘Deep Learning Neural Networks for Self-Driving Cars’  [online] Available at:<> [Accessed 29 April 2021]. IBM, 2021. What are Recurrent Neural Networks?. [online] Available at: <https

Main body of the essay (Neural networks in the automotive sector)

Neural networks are being used in numerous commercial products in numerous industries. In the automotive industry neural networks have many potential applications both inside the vehicle, such as self-driving, advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS), and outside the vehicle such as during the development stage (Luckow et al.,2016). There are mainly three types of neural networks which are mainly used in the automotive industry, recurrent neural networks, reinforcement learning NNs and convolutional NNs (Hernandez, 2017). A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a type of artificial neural network which uses sequential data or time series data (IBM,2021). In autonomous vehicles they are used to track moving objects and detect possible collisions, and with time RNNs can predict paths of moving objects, for example a moving pedestrian coming close to a road will probably mean that the pedestrian will cross it and the RNNs will make a decision on what the vehicle should do to avoid any dange

Essay Introduction (Neural networks in the automotive sector)

 My research project aims to dive deep into the world of neural networks in automotive vehicles and self-driving cars, and detail how automotive companies with vision to produce fully self-driving cars in the future are planning to use NNs (neural networks) and machine learning to make this vision possible, and also explain how NNs are currently used in existing vehicles and their different use cases.

Project Gantt Chart


Computer Ethics and AI

  Ethics are a collection of moral standards which distinguish what is right and what is wrong, they rule and control the manners of a person or more. The utilization of computer and the internet have their own set of ethics which are called computer ethics (TechTerms, 2021).   The computer Ethics Institute has laid 10 commandments of computer ethics which are meant to guide people to an ethical use of computers, and there is one particular commandment that stands out to me the most and which I believe is the one we see most defied, and that is the 9 th commandment which states the following: “ Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write” (Computer Ethics institute, 1992)   There are many programs, technologies and sites nowadays which violate the 9 th commandment of computer ethics such as programs made for stealing and spying or gambling and pornography websites which all have a significant impact on the society.   Deepfakes are a good example of a

Planning for Major Project

Planning for Major Project   Name: Sofiane Benzid Project Title: Artificial intelligence   Date started Time allowed Task/Activity Completed (date) 14/04/2021 15 minutes Researching different topics to choose a major project 14/04/2021 14/04/2021 2 hours I researched into my main project idea (artificial intelligence) and wrote a blog post about the information I have learnt     16/04/2021 15/04/2021 1 hour I worked on my first initial idea which is machine learning after extensive research     16/04/2021 16/04/2021 1.5 hour   I researched my second initial idea and wrote a small blog about neural network     16/04/2021  23/04/2021 1 hour  Researching deeper into my second initial idea to start writing my research essay (introd

Neural Network (Initial Idea 2)

Neural Networks   Neural Networks, colloquially known as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and also simulated neural networks (SNNs), are a sub-fiend of machine learning which in it self is a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence, they are the brain of AI and are components of deep learning. The name and structure of NNs are similar to the human brain and were inspired by it, they imitate the biological neurons by signaling to each other (IBM, 2020). ANNs consist of an input layer of neurons, one or two hidden layers of neurons and a final layer of output neurons (Wang, 2003).   The diagram illustrated exemplifies a simple architecture of a neural network, the lines which connect the neurons are called weights and are associated with a number which represent the strength of connection between neurons.   There are many different types of neural networks and each are used for specific motives. Below are some of the most common ones used in the field: The perceptron “the oldest neur

Machine Learning (Initial Idea 1)

 Machine Learning   Machine learning is a sub-field of artificial intelligence (AI) which focuses on creating applications that collect data and later learn from it and steadily improve without being programmed to do so (IBM, 2020). It is a technique that helps computers learn from experience using machine learning algorithms to learn from data to gradually improve performance with the increase of data (MathWorks, 2021). Machine learning is everywhere around us, most people encounter it every day, there is a huge number of real-world machine learning use cases for example: ·        Voice assistants such as Apple Siri, Google assistant which are inside every one’s phones. ·        Product recommendations which works by collecting data from our previous purchases and previous internet activity to recommend the product most interesting to the aimed person ·        Self-driving cars , they constantly identify surrounding objects and guide the car ·        Fraud detection , us