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Planning for Major Project

Planning for Major Project


Name: Sofiane Benzid

Project Title: Artificial intelligence


Date started

Time allowed





15 minutes

Researching different topics to choose a major project



2 hours

I researched into my main project idea (artificial intelligence) and wrote a blog post about the information I have learnt





1 hour

I worked on my first initial idea which is machine learning after extensive research





1.5 hour

 I researched my second initial idea and wrote a small blog about neural network





1 hour 

Researching deeper into my second initial idea to start writing my research essay (introduction)




 1 hour

 Writing a blog about computer ethics and its connection with the neural networks





1 hour

 Start working on my essay and find the suitable research project idea for me





1 hour

 Get initial ideas to write about in my essay and finding suitable references to use 




 1 hour

  Work on the introduction of my essay





 3 hours

 Work on my body of the essay and utilize different research skills and references




 1 hour

 Write a conclusion for my research essay




 30 minutes

 Work to fix grammatical and vocabular errors of my essay




 1 hour

 Improve my overall blog quality and further enhance it




 2 hours

 Develop series of questions for my questionnaire




 1 hour

 Create and organise my questionnaire using google forms





 1 hour

 Share my questionnaire with friends and colleagues




 2 hours

 Research into the computer methodology that is related to my project theme AI and compile a blog for it




 2 hours

 Develop two different diagrams to get the grasp of using , and research into the topic of diagram to create accurate diagram.






 1 hour

 Use my primary research to analyse the data received from my questionnaire and try to comment and make sense of answers received (Demographic)




 1 hour 

 Use my primary research to analyse the data received from my questionnaire and try to comment and make sense of answers received (Major theme)




 1 hours

 Develop a case study idea, then research into the topic of it 





 2 hours

 Research into the Tesla company to write a case study about it





 2 hours

 Write an introduction to my Case study about the Tesla company




 2 hours

 Research different literature reviews regarding Tesla and comment on them to develop Literature review for my case study post





 2 hours

 Research and develop Method part of the case study





 3 hours

 Further research to develop the discussion of the case study





 1 hour

 Reflect upon my case study and develop a conclusion to it





 1 hour

 Create a diagram representing a simple overview of the MATLAB software using





 1 hour

 Use the MATLAB software to create an example and share it on my blog





 1 hour 

 Develop an illustration showing the functionalities of MATLAB software using





 2 hours

 Update and review my blog 























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